Monday 27 February 2012

Non-Hydraulic Cement

  • Non-hydraulic cement is more basic and was the first form of cement invented by early scientists. 
  • Non-hydraulic cement is cement which cannot harden while in contact with water. 
  • Non-hydraulic cements are created using materials such as non-hydraulic lime and gypsum plasters and oxychloride, which has liquid properties. 

Non-Hydraulic lime

  • After non-hydraulic cement is utilized in construction, it must be kept dry in order to gain strength and hold the structure. 
  • When non-hydraulic cement is used in mortars, those mortars can set only by drying out, and therefore gain strength very slowly. 
  • Due to the difficulties associated with waiting long periods for setting and drying, non-hydraulic cement is rarely utilized in modern times. 

Lime mortars (non-hydraulic) are flexible and soft.  

 For building purposes, high calcium, non-hydraulic quicklime can be used .